


  • 公司: 上海然海液压机械科技有限公司
  • 地址: 嘉兴市南湖区余新镇金地都会艺境1-3-906
  • 联系: 郑媛
  • 手机: 13262586957
  • 一键开店


2022-04-15 02:51:01  363次浏览 次浏览
价 格:230

This valve is a normally closed, electro-proportional throttle that is spring-biased closed. Energizing the coil generates an opening force on the spool proportional to the command current, and this force is countered by the spring and flow forces. This force balance creates a metering orifice whose effective size is proportional to the current. The valve exhibits a large degree of self-compensation in the 1-to-2 direction and will provide proportional flow control in the 2-to-1 direction with the addition of an external compensator. Full reverse flow (2-to-1) with command in the 2-to-1 direction is possible without a compensator under all conditions.

Available in either a normally open or normally closed configuration with three different capacity ranges.

Capable of operating with pressures up to 5000 psi (350 bar).

Low leakage levels in the closed position.

Coils are interchangeable with Sun's other full flow, solenoid-operated valves and can be mounted on the tube in either direction.

This cartridge has several manual override choices, including no manual override. See Option Configuration.

For optimum performance, an amplifier with current sensing and adjustable dither should be used. Dither should be adjustable between 100 - 250 Hz.

On models equipped with the D or L control, the detent mechanism in the manual override is meant for temporary actuation. The D, E, L and T manual control assemblies have a mechanical life expectancy of approximately 7,000 cycles.

The momentary/twist override option "E" allows the operator to shift the valve by twisting the manual override clockwise 90 degrees.

Cartridges configured with EPDM seals are for use in systems with phosphate ester fluids. Exposure to petroleum based fluids, greases and lubricants will damage the seals.

Incorporates the Sun floating style construction to minimize the possibility of internal parts binding due to excessive installation torque and/or cavity/cartridge machining variations.


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