


  • 公司: 北京海跃润园绿化工程有限公司
  • 地址: 北京市昌平区沙河镇白各庄海跃公司(壹千栋西2公里路北)
  • 联系: 董先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 010-80719722
  • 一键开店

海跃是一家设计力量强大、制造工艺精湛的综合性景观规划设计机构,诚信、求实、敏锐、专业是公司的立足之本,自2001年成立以来,公司一直致力于园林景观、别墅庭院、屋顶花园的设计、规划、施工管理、养护及相关业务。 Haiyue is a comprehensive landscape planning &designing organ with strong design power &exquisite structure. Integrity, practice, sharpness and professionalism are the companys basis to survive. Since the setup in 2001, the company has been engaged in the design, planning, construction management, maintenance and other relevant service to garden, villa &courtyard and roof garden. 公司拥有一支富有活力且经验丰富的高素质团队,囊括了景观规划、园林设计、绿化、建筑、结构、给排水、电气、美术设计、工程技术等专业技术人员。设计团队既有经验丰富的精英型人才,也有从业十余年的型人才,秉承原创设计+品质服务的品牌战略,为客户提供专业、、有市场价值的设计服务,与此同时,公司还长期与多位国外设计师合作,量身打造国际化的高端服务;工程团队是一支成熟而细致的综合型团队,秉承精湛技艺+规范操作的原则,使每一件作品都完美无瑕。 The company has owned a high qualified team with vigor and rich experience, covering the fields of landscape planning, garden design, afforesting, construction, structure, water supply &drainage, artistic design and engineering technique. The design team has elites with rich experience and senior talents with over ten years of experience. They will provide customers with the most professional, all round designing service with the largest market values. Meanwhile, the company has cooperation with many foreign designers to offer international high end service; engineering team is comprehensive with the principle of exquisite technique + standard operation to perfect each piece of work. 设计强调量身定做、别具匠心,为满足不同客户群对庭院设计的个性需求,公司提供专业景观设计师全程一对一的贵宾式服务,从项目的前期沟通、整合到后期的方案创作、施工,无不经过团队每一个人的专注倾心,海跃的每一张图纸都能满足您对高端景观的需求、体现您对艺术不凡的品位。 The custom-made design will satisfy various customers needs for courtyard design with the VIP service from professional designers. From early stage communication to later planning and construction, each design will satisfy your needs for high end landscape and artistic tastes. 凭借着多年来丰富的施工经验、不断求新的设计创意、新技术的应用和合理的造价,公司完成了近千家私家庭院的设计与建造,作品遍布京城高品质别墅小区:观唐、碧水庄园、优山美地都留下了我们创作的痕迹。完成一个项目,即成为一方地标,未来,我们将一如既往地以充满激情的设计和精湛的工艺,打造与高级别墅相匹配的个性化高品质庭院,用艺术点亮您关于庭院的所有梦想。 With many years of rich construction experience, innovation, new technical application and reasonable cost of building, the company has served over hundreds of private courtyard design and construction, with the work coving high quality villas in Beijing: Guantang, Bishuishanzhuang, Youshanmeidi. Each project will become the land mark. In the future, well continue to build high quality ocutyard and realize your dream for courtyard with our design and exquisite craft.



  • 主营: 北京庭院设计,北京庭院绿化,北京园林景观设计
  • 地址: 北京市昌平区沙河镇白各庄海跃公司(壹千栋西2公里路北)
  • 联系: 董先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 010-80719722
  • 本站共被浏览过 20218 次

